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A Beginner’s Guide to Edible Gummies


When it comes to cannabis, edible gummies might very well be the most popular and mouth-watering treat that you can find.

Sold in several colors and flavors, these edible gummies are just like regular chewable gummies, candies, and fruit jellies that you can consume on-the-go with the only difference being the presence of marijuana or cannabis content.

Unlike smoking, cannabis gummies are easy to consume and have zero side effects on your throat and lungs. 

Moreover, there is no huss and fuss of rolling a joint or preparing a bowl at the last minute, as just a single piece of cannabis gummy can give you a long-lasting and much-needed effect.

Be it for medicinal use or recreational hit, cannabis-infused gummies come in various strengths and strains to meet all your demands in both their taste and feel.

It is for these reasons that edible gummies have cemented their place in the already booming cannabis market as the perfect substitute for weed smokeables and even other edibles.

What Are Weed Gummies? – A Beginner’s Guide to Edible Weed

While there are many types of edible weed products that you can find such as brownies, cakes, chocolates, cookies, and even beverages, none has been as impactful as gummies.

Loved by non-smokers and patients alike, these edible weed gummies continue to make us drool with their colorful and tangy appearance.

Understanding the Basics

Also referred to as weed gummies or marijuana gummies, these are edible gummies that are infused with either CBD, THC, or both in different concentrations.

To be specific, while THC gummies can contain more than 20% THC as approved by the FDA; CBD gummies, on the other hand, should have only up to 0.3% THC in them. Anything more than that, and they won’t be called THC gummies, that’s all!

FYI, THC is for the ‘high,’ and CBD for health! Yet, it’s not all so simple. Limited studies have shown multiple potential health benefits of THC as well- which was mainly construed for its psychoactive effects until now.

Moreover, most studies have shown weed to be more efficient when more of its cannabinoids and natural compounds work in synergy in a process called ‘the entourage effect.’ 

Regardless, the popularity of weed gummies is on the rise given their similar resemblance to regular candy in both taste and texture along with safety and discretion which is enough to tempt users from all age groups.

The Science Behind Weed Gummies – How They Work

Similar to any other eatable, weed gummies are also ingested via our digested system from where its cannabis content finally reaches our bloodstream and brain and eventually begins its magic.

As such, it takes about an hour or two to be properly digested in our stomach after which it meets our endocannabinoid receptors and stimulates the effects.

Here’s the complete procedure.

How Edibles Are Metabolized?

Weed edibles, in general, when consumed orally, initially end up in the liver in the form of THC where most of it is broken down or metabolized into other minor molecules.

Better known as THC metabolites, these THC molecules along with other remaining THC first enter the heart from where they enter our blood circulation and finally the brain.

Shouldn’t be surprising to see that only 4-12% of the ingested THC is absorbed by our system which refers to the bioavailability of the drug.

Similarly, only about 6% of CBD is absorbed by the body when cannabis is orally consumed.

Despite being the slowest method, edible weeds such as gummies have some of the most long-lasting effects compared to other weed products.

Choosing the Right Gummy – Types of Gummies for Beginners

Given the tens of hundreds of weed strains out there, you might think that there may be hundreds of different types of weed gummies in the world as well.

However, the interesting thing about the devil’s lettuce, is that it all boils down to 2 major compounds known as cannabidiol or CBD and THC or tetrahydrocannabinol.

As I clarified earlier, THC is the main psychoactive compound found in cannabis that is known for causing the ‘high,’ Whereas, CBD is the key medicinal compound that is claimed to have several health benefits all the while.

At the end of the day, it’s all about your individual needs and preferences

Finding Your Perfect Match

Once you have your needs figured out, you can start looking for your poison in the wide range of mouth-watering flavors and colors that cannabis-infused gummies offer.

For instance, blueberry, green apple, orange, strawberry, watermelon, peach, mango, lemon, you name it.

Primarily dominant in THC content, many of these gummies contain moderate amounts of CBD, CBN, and other useful cannabis compounds.

Benefits of Weed Gummies – Why Choose Edibles?

Although, the main reason behind administering weed into your system is to ‘feel better’, a broader look will tell you that it has several byproducts that could be quite beneficial for your health.

For e.g. pain management, stress relief, anxiety control, and sleep.

As a naturally occurring cannabinoid in both nature and inside our bodies, one of the most important functions of these compounds is to regulate many of our physiological processes such as sleep, pain, appetite, mood, immunity, and so on.

Health and Lifestyle Benefits

When taken in limited amounts, weed edibles can prove to be remarkably safe and beneficial for your health as a whole.

Albeit proclaimed only anecdotally, their benefits range from simple uneasiness to chronic conditions such as epilepsy and cancer.

As far as its circumstantial implications are concerned, weed edibles tend to have a longer duration of action or effect compared to other methods such as smoking or vaping.

As discreet as it is, an extended duration of action is extremely useful for those using marijuana for emergencies and other chronic conditions.

At the same time, it is a safe way for potheads to get their fill of weed without having to smoke it in public which is still a punishable offence in many countries and states.

Speaking of which, the fact that cannabis-infused edibles are not associated with smoking-related health risks is yet another significant factor in the adoption of edible gummies.

Moreover, they are easy to carry, transport, and consume, period.

Tips for Eating Edibles for the First Time

When consuming weed edibles for the first time, it is natural to be curious about the right dosage.

The good thing is- that most off-the-shelf edible gummies have proper labeling with all the details about their ingredients and strength. 

Reading it thoroughly would put you in a better position.

Guidelines for First-Time Users

  • Always take it slow and gradually increase the dosage until you’ve met the right amount.
  • Try different strains and flavors to find the one that best suits your palate.
  • For medicinal users, make sure to eat your weed edible at least 1 hour before you start expecting the desired results.

What If You Eat Too Much?–Handling Overconsumption

One of the best things about weed is that there is no ‘overdosing’ as such. This does not mean that you should be taking as many edibles into your system as you like.

Being an eatable product, eating too many cannabis-infused edibles will certainly end up giving you a more intense ‘stoning’ effect for indeed longer than you may have wanted.

In case you feel the effects are overwhelming, there are measures too.

Steps to Take if You Over-Consume

  • Drink ample water or lemon juice (keep yourself hydrated).
  • Do not eat or smoke any more cannabis.
  • Go for a quick run or workout.
  • If possible, sleep.
  • Try a weed detoxification method for instant relief.

Types of Edibles – Exploring Other Options

As I mentioned above, edible gummies can be either based on THC, CBD, or both. 

Broadly speaking, they may range between:

  • CBD/ THC isolate refers to those products that have either CBD or THC in pure and isolated forms.
  • Broad Spectrum are those with a certain amount of different cannabinoids and chemical compounds together.
  • Full Spectrum includes those weed products that have a complete range of cannabis compounds and cannabinoids.

Various Forms of Cannabis Edibles

Apart from edible gummies, weed edibles can be found in many forms including baked goods, candies, chocolates, snacks, tablets, as well as cannabis-infused drinks and beverages.

Along with that, you can also cook several other food items with weed at home.

Conclusion – Final Thoughts

As more and more people are becoming aware of the potential benefits of marijuana, the need to have more convenient and safer ways of consumption is bound to appear.

Edible gummies, being one of the most discreet and easiest methods of consumption, are at the top of the list especially when it comes to non-smokers and medicinal users.

Plus, due to the plethora of strengths and flavors of weed gummies in all kinds of colors, it is natural for users of all age groups to be enticed by them. And for all the good reasons as described in this post.

Frequently Asked Questions

About an hour or so as is the case with most edibles.

Not really! But if you feel like you have eaten more gummies than you should have then drinking a lemonade, getting a quick nap, or a short workout can help you out.

CBD gummies have higher CBD, the medicinal compound of cannabis. Whereas, THC gummies are known for their psychoactive effects.

In airtight containers away from direct sunlight and moisture.

CBD gummies with less than 0.3% THC are legal and FDA-approved.